Charlotte's Mayor's Youth Employment Program

MYEP seeks to build partnerships with host employers in the private, public, and non-profit sectors of Charlotte's economy who are able to provide one-of-a-kind career experiences for MYEP participants. Businesses provide career experiences that help youth develop career goals, stay in school, achieve academically, and enhance social skills that enable them to succeed in life. Students connect to the world of work which enables businesses and communities to know the needs and successes of the students and schools.​​​​  

"Beacon Partner's was very pleased with the engineering intern we had this past summer and look forward to participating next year with perhaps an engineering and office participant." 

ACE Mentorship Program | Architecture * Construction * Engineering

Mission: To engage, excite and enlighten high school students to pursue careers in architecture, engineering and construction through mentoring and to support their continued advancement in the industry. The ACE Mentor Program is driven by the committed and enthusiastic participation of volunteer mentors who are practicing professionals in their respective fields.

Cousins reports that, "ACE has good participation from architecture and construction firms. Traditional ways to get involved would look like serving as a guest speaker at a mentoring session, offering a building tour for program participants, mentoring/sponsoring a school site, or board participation."


Mission Statement: SkillsUSA empowers its members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. We improve the quality of our nation's future skilled workforce through the development of SkillsUSA Framework skills that include personal, workplace and technical skills grounded in academics. Our vision is to produce the most highly skilled workforce in the world, providing every member the opportunity for career success.

"Flagship is in the process of partnering with a local area high school that has a SkillsUSA chapter with the goal of fostering awareness for commercial property engineering."


UNC Charlotte has an established history of success partnering with the business community. Talent Pathways are a new way to deepen these partnerships by leveraging University capabilities to attract the talent you need and develop the talent you have.


The University Career Center defines "experiential education" as any experience that connects classroom learning with external organizations to provide students with work experience. Experiential education includes internships, clinical rotations, student teaching, cooperative education, and required observation hours.

Currently, the University Career Center reviews and accepts/denies any opportunities (both paid and unpaid) posted in Hire-A-Niner, our full-service system connecting students and employers. Opportunities requesting a connection to academic credit will be referred to relevant academic programs.


Project REAP | The Real Estate Associate Program

Mission: To advance diversity, equity and inclusion in the commercial real estate industry through education, mentorship, and partnerships.

REAP exists because the commercial real estate industry's professional ranks are less than 2% minority at management levels. During its short existence, REAP has increased that minority cohort by 10%--by spotlighting a talent pool that was always there, but previously unacknowledged.

Project Destined

Project Destined is launching a nation-wide paid, Virtual Internship Program in Real Estate for diverse, high school and undergraduate students. The 8-week program will explore real estate, the importance of ownership and the power of technology to tell authentic, compelling stories about communities. 

UNC Chapel Hill REDI Program

Our interns gain a sense of belonging and growth with support of the Wood Center and Industry engagement. Starting with our boot camp preparation classes, interns meet regularly during their internship to discuss areas of improvement and actionable activities to strengthen their communication skills, advance their technical skills and expand their recruitment relationships.