The BOMA Greater Charlotte Federation serves Charlotte and surrounding areas and has meetings and classes in multiple locales. Each area has its own schedule.

The association also holds seminars at the regional level and in conjunction with the Southern Conference. BOMA International (our parent organization) holds meetings and seminars all over the world. BOMA International was founded in 1907 as the National Association of Building Owners and Managers. 

Join Now!

What are the benefits of membership?

  • Advocacy - BOMA is the leader in commercial real estate advocacy keeping members informed of key legislative, regulatory, and codes and standards issues at both the national and state level.
  • Education  BOMA provides a wealth of knowledge and solutions, in a variety of media. You can learn in traditional classroom settings or you can participate in webinars. BOMA also offers customized education, designed specifically to meet your organization's training needs.
  • Research - BOMA International collects and disseminates timely and critical research and information to the office building industry. BOMA's research department produces and publishes a number of industry benchmark publications including: industry research, Pulse surveys, and more.
  • Networking -- Networking opportunities are another key element of BOMA membership through monthly luncheons and programs offered through BOMA Greater Charlotte. Events like our Annual Membership Meeting offer opportunities to be face to face with fellow BOMA members and affiliates. In addition, BOMA International hosts the annual conferenceWinter Business Meeting and National Issues Conference. BOMA offers a global marketplace through affiliation with Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Finland, Greece, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, the Philippines, Panama, Russia, South Africa or the United Kingdom.
  • Information - BOMA members are kept up-to-date on the latest industry news and information through The BOMA Knowledge Center and Insider. In addition, members receive discounts on publications, seminars and other BOMA-sponsored programs.



  • Office Buildings
  • Government Facilities
  • Medical Buildings
  • Financial Institutions
  • Regional/National Retail Properties
  • Regional/National Hospitality Facilities
  • Institutional/Educational Facilities
  • Industrial Properties


  • Professional designations
  • Educational opportunities
  • Informative lunch meetings on industry related topics
  • Networking
  • Industry related legislative information
  • Advertising opportunities
  • Access to top vendors and property management professionals


  • Assist owners and managers in becoming expert professionals through education and information sharing.
  • To represent the needs of the membership to government officials.
  • To provide network for members to share experiences and knowledge.
  • To increase professionalism through education - designations, programs, classes, seminars and lunches.


  • Terrorism Insurance Coverage
  • Telecommunications - Forced Building Entry
  • High Speed Rail
  • Electricity Utility Deregulation
  • Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Mold
  • Sustainability
  • Energy Conservation
  • Codes and Standards
  • Indoor Air Quality


  • RPA/SMT/SMA/FMA Professional designations through BOMI
  • Seminars on relevant topics
  • Lunch and learn programs on local issues
  • Publications - Access Only to Members
  • Access to Information


  • Local Quarterly Newsletter
  • BOMA/International
  • Provides updates on current legislative and regulatory issues and BOMA's activities on Capitol Hill.
  • Provides Code Updates
  • Local Membership Directory
  • International Membership Directory @
  • Experience Exchange Report


  • Luncheons
  • Committee Meetings
  • Trade
  • Seminars and Classes
  • Regional Meetings
  • National Meetings and Conventions
  • Golf Tournament
  • Clay Shoot
  • Top Golf
  • Building Tours
  • Social events


  • Events and Activities including TopGolf Tournament, Luncheons and socials.
  • Committee Membership
  • Advertisements on BOMA Website
  • Sponsorship of a Luncheon or Seminar
  • Speak at a Luncheon
  • Sponsor or Contribute to an Event


  • Form new personal and business relationships
  • Increase your business
  • Learn about your industry
  • Make a difference in your community

Not sure if BOMA is right for you? 

10 Reasons to Join BOMA

Have you ever wondered why one should belong to BOMA? Perhaps you are not aware of the benefits that membership offers. 
If you ever need justification as to why one might belong, then consider this:

1) NETWORKING - Meet your peers/meet your next boss/meet your next employee/Find out what is happening in the market.
Don't work in a vacuum.  Unless you get out of your office and meet others in the industry, you minimize your potential.  Knowing what is happening in the market and who is who in the industry is essential for professional growth.
2) VALIDATION - Did you handle a situation correctly/How would someone else have handled it/sharing horror stories.
Regardless of how long you have been in business, sharing information is vital to be a top performer.  One of the great things about this industry is no matter how long you have managed property, you can't possibly know everything there is to know. There are so many facets to property management, no one person can be an expert on everything.  And with the continual advancement in technology, every facet of the industry gets more and more complicated.  This is true whether you are discussing how you handled a situation with another manger to gain validation on the way you handled it - or whether you are sharing information with someone else to prevent them from making the same mistake.
3) EDUCATION - Earn an industry recognized designation thru BOMI/take a BOMA seminar/Learning something new at lunch/Trade shows/Audio conferences/Boot Camps/On-line Seminars, Continuing education.
Don't be stagnant.  Learn something new from one of the many education avenues available through BOMA and BOMI.  Not only is it easy; it is fun.  You know the old saying" if you aren't growing; you are dying".
4) ADVOCACY - Time extension of old buildings to comply with fire escape routes due to economic hardship on owners in NC/Depreciation/Terrorism Insurance.
The legislative aspect is one of the most important things that BOMA does for us.  BOMA International has full time employees working in Washington on legislative issues such as terrorism insurance, depreciation, and codes.  These are all things that affect us in our every day management.  There are also opportunities to work on legislative issues in the local area.
5) RECOGNITION - Earn industry recognition by earning a TOBY or Member of the Year (MOY)!
You work hard every day.  Be recognized for your achievements as the Member of the Year: Or Submit one of your buildings for a TOBY award.  Things you put together in a TOBY submission is information you need to know about your building anyway.  A submission will gain you great brownie points with your clients.  Winning a local TOBY is exciting; going on to Regional is an achievement; proceeding to International is quite an honor.
6) MARKETING - Getting your name out helps your company and helps you.
The more involved in the industry you get, the more doors seem to open up to you.  You and your company are taken more seriously and given more opportunities because people know you are serious about the industry.  By getting involved in a national committee you can help change the face of the industry.
7) GIVING BACK TO THE INDUSTRY - Be a mentor to new folks within the industry.
Just as you have gained from being involved in industry organizations, it is important to give back to the industry.  There are various means to get involved, whether through committee involvement or as a mentor in a particular area in which others may not have as much experience.
8) STANDARDS AND RESEARCH - "Standard BOMA Method of Measurement"/Let your buildings help set the standards for income/expenses for Experience Exchange Report/Compensation/Compensation Survey.
When was the last time you picked up an office building lease that didn't refer to the "Standard BOMA Method of Measurement for Office Buildings"?  What reports do you use for benchmarking? How do you measure your salary level? BOMA has an incredible program to gather information to continue to "raise the bar" within the industry.  Participate in the research and utilize the results as tools to assist you in processes such as budgeting and hiring among others.
9) PUBLICATIONS - ADA, How to Develop a MOB, BOMA's Guide to Security and Emergency Planning, Standard BOMA Method of Measurement - Go online to see what is available.
The number of resources available through BOMA are limitless.  Go on-line to see what publications are available.  Discounts are available to members.  Information is available from A to Z, including telecommunication or legalese.  Check it out and make your job easier.
10) Be a part of something locally and globally!
Look on-line at for the benefits/very inexpensive/we all benefit.